Thursday, October 18, 2012

Concerto change date format

This requires some access to the database. The date format is stored in the content field of the content table. PHP format codes are here:

I changed the content to:

l F, d g:i A

l - Full Day (Thursday)
F - Full Month (October)
, comma
d - day integer
g - hour without leading zero
: colon
i - minutes
A - am/om

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Concerto RSS feed

RPi Auto Start

Tried this for an automatic start of the Raspberry Pi.

I'm looking for another idea. The performance doing it that way was horrible for some reason.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Concerto PDF Image upload

Had an issue uploading a pdf file to the concerto server. Turns out there is a dependency on some ImageMagick libraries to convert from pdf to png. Luckily, ImageMagick is in the Debian repository.

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Monday, October 15, 2012

Concerto server install on Raspberry Pi

I am following the directions found on the github website ( The first time I did this, I was not familiar with git at all. More info on git can be found here ( First you want to install git using the command:
sudo apt-get install git

OK. I ended up going into the raspberry pi's gui and downloading the source code from

I downloaded the tar.gz and moved the files to the /var/www directory.

Continuing on with the installation, use phpmyadmin to create a concerto database, run the schema.sql and data.sql scripts.

Make a copy of the using this command


Open the and change the sql settings to localhost and the user/password you create.

Pointing a browser to //localhost/index.php should show the concerto login screen.

Fix administrator password here:!msg/concerto-digital-signage/WgWMgZEqtI0/YGoWpOHDtWIJ

It is important to remember to create an images folder and templates folder in the content folder and grant read/write permissions.
mkdir /var/www/content/images
mkdir /var/www/content/templates
chmod 777 /var/www/content/images
chmod 777/var/www/content/templates

Install LAMP on Raspberry Pi

While dropping the kids off at the first day of school, I ran into our district's technology coordinator and ended up talking about a television monitor he wanted to turn into a digital sign. I thought the Raspberry Pi would be a cheap, usable tool to accomplish this. I played around with it and discovered Concerto, an open source solution developed at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I got it working on the RPi as a server and a client. Unfortunately, I ran out of space on the SD card as I forgot to increase the partition. So here we go starting over. This time I am going to document the steps. First we want to install apache, mysql and php to make the RPi a LAMP server. I found outstanding documentation here:

First instructions: download the Debian disk image from I use Win32DiskImager to write the image to an sd card( There is a great config screen. I like to enable ssh, expand the root file structure to fill card (forgot this last time), set timezone and overclock. Changing the password would be a good idea as well. Checking for upgrades is a good idea as well.

Install apache: I like to use Putty to ssh into my pi (

Install mysql:

Install php:

Install phpmyadmin: The first time, I usually get a 404 not found error. Running the two commands toward the end of the tutorial fixes it.